
Oct 10, 2011

weekends and crack habits

Ohhh how I love the weekends.
This was the first in over a month that we haven't been traveling, packing, moving, or unpacking and as  much as I love being active and maximizing our days off together, it was nice to just relax.

We spent our Friday night date at the bowling alley.

And since we're on the topic of bowling, has anyone else noticed how incredibly awkward that sport is? Think about it. You have to walk up onto a platform by yourself, show some degree of coordination and athleticism while a group of people watch your every move.

Then there's that awkward reaction that you're obligated to give when you turn around to face the group after you've had your turn. If you did well, do you jump up and down and do a little dance? (That's totally me). Or do you play it cool and pretend to be looking at something really important up on the display screen until your ball pops out of the conveyor belt?

If you shank your ball, do you laugh at yourself and make a self-depricating remark? Or do you take this little game far too seriously and spout off cuss words while knocking things off the table? (True story, I saw it happen.)

I believe bowling alleys have now joined airports in the ranks for the best places to people watch. Totally worth the money spent for all the entertainment it provided.

Oh yeah, and next time we go, we are making sure to stretch first. Keane's hand began cramping halfway into the first game because he hadn't adequately conditioned. 
Rookie mistake. 

The rest of the weekend was very cold and very gloomy around our parts. We hunkered down inside and watched As in every college and pro game that was televised. We also arranged and rearranged our furniture, drank lots of hot tea, and snuggled on the couch.

During our beloved Broncos' half time (GoTEBOW), we headed out to get the dogs some exercise at a nearby school. Check out this sweet map we found painted on the playground!

Cash and I tried to stand on our state for a photo op except that he got a little squirrely and decided to steal the football right out of my hands and run away with it.
He's much quicker than his mama.

We ended our do-nothing weekend with several episodes of Lost on netflix. I understand that we are terribly behind the times with this series, however when it was on TV I had absolutely no interest in ever watching it, probably because it interfered with Grey's Anatomy. 

But now? I'm an addict and it's my crack. I can't get enough. 

We are about halfway through the episodes and most nights, I try to convince Keane to watch "one more episode! Just one more, I swear!" Sunday, we found ourselves four episodes in by 1:00am, forcing ourselves to go to bed. 

Now I get it. Crack.

And now, as it just so happens, it is time for me to go find out whose damn boat is off the coast of the island if it isn't Penelope's! oh, and RIP Charlie. You were so brave.

Can't wait for what happens next!

::twitches while anxiously scratching neck::

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