
Feb 1, 2013

Feelin Crafty: Jewelry Board

My jewelry has remained in a heap on my dresser since we moved four months ago. It's shameful to admit but since our house is short on storage and all our drawers are being used for clothes, I didn't even have a place to shove them until I figured out a more permanent solution. So, on the dresser they sat, collecting dust and driving me mad. 

I finally recruited the hubster to help me solve my jewelry storage problem once and for all. I decided to make a jewelry board to hang in our room so that I had clear access to all my necklaces and bracelets.

I bought some pretty knobs on sale at Anthropologie and picked out a yard of fabric to cover my board. 

I already had some upholstery tacks on hand which I planned to hammer around the border to give it a more custom look. Keane and I bought a wooden board at Home Depot and he did all the manual labor. 

We both agree that I am the brains behind these types of operations, whereas he is the brawn. 

After some simple measuring, drilling, stapling and metal cutting (I was certain this step would send Keane to the ER), my board was done and ready to be hung. 

Now I can see all my jewelry and everything is neatly organized, just the way this Type A likes it! 

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