
Feb 17, 2011

Because we were meant to live for so much more

Yesterday, I was driving to work when a certain song came on the radio. I quickly cranked the volume and reminisced my life as a senior in high school when this song was popular. This time, however, the lyrics struck me in a way they never had before.

We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside
Somewhere we live inside
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside

I listened to the song and watched while the old pick up truck in front of me spewed emissions in the air and the man next to me threw a cigarette butt out his window. My eyes began to well up with tears and a heavy sadness weighed on my heart. In the last few years, I have had an unceasing feeling that we as humans are missing something about this life- something really important. Americans especially have become so greedy for power and materialism that we will do anything out of convenience. In the mean time, we have lost all consideration for other living beings. We are procreating at a staggering rate, depleting all of our natural resources, and abusing this planet for our own instant gratification. Our food industry is corrupt, our health as a nation is the poorest it has ever been, and our recent economic downturn is, in part, due to the fact that people are living above their economic means to achieve some false sense of status. It has become clear to me that we are straying further and further away from our purpose on this earth which is to love and be loved, connect and feel connected.

We are meant to believe that our lightening-fast technological advancements are improving communication, however I find it to be the contrary. Families are spending less time together because they are distracted by their smart phones, big screens and video games. Toddlers are becoming delayed in language development because they are being babysat by the television and aren't getting adequate human interaction. Teens can't be bothered with correct spelling or complete sentences because their friends know what they mean if they simply use acronyms when they text, tweet, email, facebook or myspace.

I think it's terrible that people are slaves to their jobs. Humans were not meant to sit for 9+ hours a day in offices with artificial light. And who was it that decided a standard week should involve 70% more working than playing?

Although we have achieved many great medical advancements in our lifetime, I believe western medicine is ultimately failing us. It saddens me how quick doctors are to proscribe a pill which treats symptoms rather than causes. It also shocks me when people readily accept medications which solve one problem but create more. I believe if we all ate a little better, exercised a little more, and drank water a little more often, we would be healthier, happier people who wouldn't require quite so many daily meds to treat our ailments.

I admit, my ideals are simplistic but that is precisely why I am so passionate about them. I fear where our world is headed. I fear for my children's future and their children's future. I have been saying for years that it is only a matter of time until we receive some sort of global awakening. I don't know what it will look like or how severe it will need to be to shake people awake, but I believe it will happen.

I know we were meant to live for so much more than our current state of separation and destruction. And as far as this questions is concerned:

Have we lost ourselves?

I think so.

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