
Sep 11, 2012

F is for FAIL

I'm giving myself a big fat F for blogging as of late. I've been in a really weird place since moving back to Colorado and I've learned it's not all that fun to read blogs posts from complainers. So instead of subjecting you lovely people to my sorry emotions, I've been whining in private to my husband. Bless him. 

Let's see...we celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary last month which blows my mind to tiny bits. Sometimes it feels like we're an old married couple reading each other's minds (which we are) and other times it feels like we're still 17 year old high school kids wrestling on his parent's floor (which we are). Time is a fickle beast. 

3 years! And my fancy pants!
A few weeks ago, Keane and I saw Peyton Manning in action at a pre season Broncos game which pretty much made our lives. We posed for a family photo before we left.  

The Rays (mama-in-law, sister-in-laws, sweetest niece in this history of ever)
I've been feeling very protective over my time with Keane now that we are living in a house with 6 other people. Since we have very little privacy in his family's house and he has been putting in re-donk-ulous hours at work, we've been sure to do plenty of date nights and weekend hikes to quell my crazy.

The closing on our house is next Friday (yippee!), then we have two back-to-back wedding weekends, then we move! I started looking for jobs and can't wait to get back into a routine once we are settled in. I am a creature of habit and very much affected by my environment which is one of the reasons these last 5 weeks have been so hard for me. Everything is in transition and I feel like I've lost my place in it all. 

So here's to looking up and moving forward! If you need me, I'll be counting down the days until I feel like myself again.

Happy Tuesday everyone. 


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